Merry Meet!
Welcome to Pagan Sorrow. This is a site dedicated to Wiccans, Pagans, Heathens, Vampires, Vampyres, Goths, and those of the Old Religion. Look around and you will discover links to various sites, downloads, music, and pictures. Please leave your comments with me, I would love to hear what you think of the site. This is only my second site after all. Please sign my guest book!!! Till we speak again...
Blesssed Be and Merry Part.
I recently was visiting a site (www.witchesway.com) and read over something interesting. A Christian man was harassing some Pagans, stating that they were the Devil and what not. The author of the site, StarFire, wrote this man. Below is a link to the page. Please read over it, it is quite interesting!
Religous Debate |