Wytches Kiss
Vampyre Facts


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Truth About Most Vampyres


We Are and Do

Blood Vampyres do drink human blood
Psi Vampyres will feed from life energies
True Vampyres only feed from willing and knowing prey partners
True Vampyres do not take what is not offered freely and knowingly
True Vampyres choose and select their prey partners 
True Vampyres have and hold life and the life force in high regard
True Vampyres are spiritual beings with souls
True Vampyres will have a reflection in a mirror.
True Vampyres have respect for the animal kingdom
True Vampyres have a deep passion and love for life.
True Vampyres are from all over the world and can be of any race
True Vampyres do have a dark side
True Vampyres have non vampiric friends, lovers and family.
True Vampyres use their teeth to Kiss and bring pleasure.
True Vampyres love foreplay and will nibble and tease when they bite
True Vampyres have a deep passion for seducing their partner prey
Blood Vampyres are very sun sensitive before they have fed
Psi Vampyres are energized after they feed
True Vampyres can be of any religious faith and respect other faiths, too
True Vampyres can and do enjoy spicy foods
True Vampyres will wear modern and stylish clothing
True Vampyres may or not be fanged
True Vampyres are lovers of peace and the arts
True Vampyres are educated
True Vampyres sleep in beds (They may be sleeping with your sister or brother)
True Vampyres are not immortal. They do die, just as any other person. If you decapitate or stake their heart they will, indeed die..Wouldn't you?


What We Aren't And Don't

True Vampyres do not prefer to drink animal or dead blood
True Vampyres do not feed from anyone who is not mentally sound
Blood Vampyres do not feed as often as they may bite
True Vampyres are not the curse of any religion or god
True Vampyres are not related to any one single animal species
Not all Vampyres come from Transylvania
True Vampyres are not ruled by their dark side
True Vampyres are not Satan Worshippers
True Vampyres are not victims of tragedy
True Vampyres do not usually prey on the helpless
Blood Vampyres do not always bite to drink blood
Psi Vampyres do not always Kiss to feed
True Vampyres do not hypnotize their prey partners
True Vampyres do not viciously nor violently attack in a wonton manner
True Vampyres do not evaporate in sunlight
True Vampyres do not live forever
True Vampyres do not shun the Crucifix nor act adversely to other religious symbols
True Vampyres may, however, be rather adverse or curt with religious fanatics
True Vampyres do not need to sleep in or on their native soil
True Vampyres do not always wear dark clothes or capes (except, perhaps during Halloween)
True Vampyres do not sleep in coffins...unless you can afford it