Wytches Kiss
Vampyre History


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The History of the Vampyre

I have been researching the true history of Vampyres. I cannot find anything believable or anything that matches completely. Obviously the origin of the Vampyre dates back before many religions, ethnicities, and so on. The only information I can give you for now are the names that the Vampyre is known by in different areas.You may have to do your own research on this part because everyone's ideas differ. If you think you have any true information about the origin email me at WytchesKiss@hotmail.com


Country / Region Name
Southern Russia: Upyr
Belarus:  Upit / (V)upor  <can also mean sorcerer>


  -Among Kashubs:

Wupji / Upor 

   Upierz / Upior / Opi

Czech Republic:  Upir
Ukrainian:   Upyr / Upir / Opir
Slovakia:    Upir
Croatia:   Upirina
Serbia:  Vampir / Lampir
Kosovo Gypsy:   Dhampir
Bulgarian: Vampir / Vupir / Vepir / Vapir
Greek:   Vampyras / Vomperas / Vompiras
Turkish:      Ober  <also means witch>